Monument to Achievements in the Battle of Daejeon

The action at Daejeon was the first full-scale battle in Korea for American forces, which led the UN troops. After the Hangang defense line fell, the US 24th Division attempted to block the North Korean advance southward. This was essential for buying the time necessary to establish a battle line system for the allied ROK-US Forces, and also to organize and deploy a rear guard. The US 24th Division lost the Geumgang defense line on July 16 and then desperately attempted to delay the North Korean 105th Tank Division and 4th Division surrounding Daejeon on all sides. Division Commander William F. Dean led a fierce street battle, where the US first employed 3.5-inch antitank rockets. After three days, the US 24th Division killed hundreds of enemy troops and destroyed 15 tanks and 21 cannons. Unfortunately, the US 24th Division also lost 30% of its men and 65% of its equipment. Yet they managed to delay the enemy advance, allowing precious time to prepare the Busan Perimeter against the North Koreans and ultimately to achieve an opportunity to rally. The US 24th Division is the unit that avenged the losses at the vanguard when they recaptured Daejeon in a full-scale counterattack from the Busan Perimeter after the successful Incheon Landing Operation. This monument depicts Division Commander Dean aiming a 3.5-inch
rocket launcher against the enemy’s tanks. It was built by the Daejeon Metropolitan government under the auspices of the Ministry of Defense in December 1981.

Front view of Daejeon Memorial. The memorial commemorates the first UN forces battle against the N.K. army moving southward after the breakout of Hangang perimeter. The operation was mainly conducted by the U.S. Army 24th Division. This intense battle lasted for three days but failed to stop N.K. army’s advance. However, it did slow them enough to give UN forces the time to organize a counterattack.
Monument’s inscription dedicating the monument to great sacrifice of the fallen.
The 13m high monument is located in front of an outdoor music hall built in 1981 at the site of a tremendous battle.

Epitaph: On this bright hill where freedom’s sunlight shines, this monument to glory stands subline. On June 25, 1950, the day the red horde swept down like an angry tide, you, the United States 24th Infantry Division, lifting high the united nations flag, came to our defense in the name of freedom, fighting to the death on Daejoen’s broad plain. Your Blood, indeed, was shed upon this ground. but still reverberates the battle cry you raised. Apostles of freedom, standard-bearers for peace, upon the hearts of our countrymen your name is deeply engraved!

The view of monument from the side.
The information panel narrating the battle. The battle was not a victory but it delayed the enemy long enough to reinforce the defense line of Nakdonggang.